Because sales managers are expected to hit the ground running whether they’ve had sales management training or not.
This 59-minute video contains the one-hour “essence” of The Leadership Institute for Managers. For seven years, Norm Goldsmith, Ken Greenwood and I got together every quarter to conduct this four-day workshop. Imagine getting a week off to work on your business instead of in your business with your peers and three of the industry’s premier sales and management trainers. Broadcast companies paid $3200 plus travel send their managers to these sessions.
Those were the days.
Recently, I put together a kind of Leadership Institute Greatest Hits seminar for the Illinois Broadcasters Association. I took the key concepts from the four-day workshop and presented them in one hour. The North Carolina Broadcasters Association flew me in to their convention to do the session.
Then, an Australian company asked me to record this session rather than fly me over. They sent a Chicago-based two camera video crew to my office to record it. I was able to do it in one take. The two cameramen, my wife and my cat Tattoo were the only audience members.
The Australian firm paid me very well and sent me the link to the finished production.
I decided to give it to you as a way to introduce you to this Instant Sales Training website. It’s a resource for sales managers to make planning the daily or weekly training session a whole lot easier, faster and better.
Enjoy Super Charge Your Sales Management. But remember, I’m doing this for your improvement not for your enjoyment. Let me know when you’ve watched it and what you think about it.
Email me at chris.lytle@sparque.biz
Or call 773-227-3438
The handout PDF below will help you retain the session and put more of these ideas into action.
Please share this link with anyone who can benefit from these timeless sales management principles.
Chris Lytle
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