This is the resource for sales managers who do their own sales training.

Let me explain why it makes sense to “time-release” sales learning.

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“Instant Sales Training saves me hours planning sales training sessions. Chris covers timely subjects week after week. More importantly, my salespeople really engage in lively discussions during the meetings. They walk away with ideas and techniques they can put into action the same day. The process he’s developed helps me get salespeople to share their thoughts and experiences. Given that opportunity, they “coach” each other and have open and honest discussions about ways to improve. As the name implies, it’s quick. It’s also engaging and holds their interest!”
– Sandie Fulks, Regional Sales Manager, Rich Broadcasting, Idaho

You don’t have a corporate training department.
There’s not a big budget to send people to seminars.
You may even handle your own account list or sales territory.
Naturally, your time and attention are pulled in a dozen different directions.
That can make it hard to come up with a compelling sales training session.
However, creating powerful and immediately applicable sale training content is what I love to do.
You can decide if I’m any good at it.
Here’s a fun fact: Only 10% of your salespeople have a learning mindset. These are people who seek out learning.
The other 90% won’t seek to improve their skills unless it’s part of a job requirement.
And another thing, 95% of the people in selling today didn’t plan on a career in sales. They got into sales accidentally.
I should know.
My name is Chris Lytle. I wrote the business best-seller The Accidental Salesperson.
For more than 30 years, I was in the seminar business.
I loved the travel and the applause.
And at the same time I knew a seminar wasn’t enough.
Sales training works best when it’s a continual process rather than a singular event like a seminar.
It really is this simple: Put together an instant sales training session using my content and your conversation.
So instead of giving you a sales pitch on how good this Instant Sales Training is, I’m going to give you two free Instant Sales Training sessions.
Run a sales training session or two and then decide if this is right for you.
See for yourself how easy it is to have compelling, engaging sales training with just a few minutes of prep time.

“There’s no way I could live without it. You’ve saved me at least 1-1/2 hour a week of prep time and planning sales meetings and sales training sessions.”
— Mike Patterson, Princeton, NJ, Radio Industry Sales Manager

Maybe the sales training will sell itself. Maybe it won’t.
Of course, that will be completely up to you.
Here’s the big idea behind these Instant Sales Training sessions.

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The learning occurs during the discussion as your people share their reactions and experiences.
You get salespeople involved in their own development.
You become a facilitator instead of a sales lecturer.
We add a fresh knowledge bite every week.
It’s three to five minutes long.
You might want to think of it as short attention span sales training.
Your discussion of the content takes fifteen to twenty minutes.
Now you can focus and re-focus your team on winning sales behaviors . . .
Week after week.
And very soon you’ll start seeing results:

  • Increased confidence (swagger)
  • Stronger client focus
  • More first meetings
  • More accurate forecasting
  • Increased sales

Think of it as your automatic sales improvement process.
Because you automatically get an email every week to let you know we’ve just added more content to the site.
Once you see how much time this saves you . . .
Once you see how engaging these meetings are . . .
Once you see how low we’ve priced it . . .
You may want to become a subscriber.
Let’s talk about that later.
For now, I invite you to give us your business email and we’ll get you your free Instant Sales Training right away.

Click Here for the Free Stuff


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